Ange Mullen-Bryan, 'Halo'


Oil on linen
35 x 28 cm


Oil on linen
35 x 28 cm

Oil on linen
35 x 28 cm

Ange works from her studio in Painswick, near Stroud, in the heart of the Cotswolds and she takes as her inspiration the Scandinavian landscape, specifically the vast lakes, islands and forest of Sweden, where she has spent a great deal of time over the last 25 years. These paintings are vivid, urgent expressions of a need to connect with and immerse oneself in nature and its wilderness places.

Ange Mullen-Bryan, 'Low Sun'
Ange Mullen-Bryan, 'Nothing Gold Can Stay'
Ange Mullen-Bryan, Here Lake
Ange Mullen-Bryan, 'Whisper'
Ange Mullen-Bryan, 'Islands'